Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2012

A multi-component exercise regimen to prevent functional decline

and bone fragility in home-dwelling elderly women: randomized, controlled trial   / Karinkanta et al.


This study showed that combination of strength, balance, agility and jumping training prevented functional decline and bone fragility in home-dwelling elderly women. The finding supports the idea that it is possible to maintain good physical functioning by multi-component exercise program and thus postpone the age-related functional problems.


This 1-year randomized, controlled exercise intervention trial assessed the effects of two different training programs and their combination on physical functioning and bone in home-dwelling elderly women.


One hundred and forty-nine healthy women aged 70–78 years were randomly assigned into: group 1—resistance training (RES), group 2—balance-jumping training (BAL), group 3—combination of resistance and balance-jumping training (COMB), and group 4—controls (CON). Self-rated physical functioning, leg extensor force, dynamic balance, and bone mass and structure were measured.


Self-rated physical functioning improved in the COMB group, but was reduced in the CON group; the mean inter-group difference was 10% (95% CI: 0–22%). Mean increase in the leg extensor force was higher in the RES (14%; 4–25%) and COMB (13%; 3–25%) compared with the CON groups. Dynamic balance improved in the BAL (6%; 1–11%) and in the COMB (8%; 3–12%) groups. There were no inter-group differences in BMC at the proximal femur. In those COMB women who trained at least twice a week, the tibial shaft structure weakened 2% (0–4%) less than those in the CON group.


Strength, balance, agility, and jumping training (especially in combination) prevented functional decline in home-dwelling elderly women. In addition, positive effects seen in the structure of the loaded tibia indicated that exercise may also play a role in preventing bone fragility.
Keywords  Balance training - Bone fragility - Bone strength - Functional decline - Osteoporosis - Strength training

Quelle:   http://www.springerlink.com/content/e71532tn413j3731/

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